Treatment Options

Programs & Pricing

Have you ever used a personal trainer at the gym? Utilized a professional’s knowledge to strengthen weak calf or arm muscles? A personal trainer for weaker muscles of the face, from the eyes down to just above your shoulders, is exactly what a myofunctional therapist is! 

Strengthening your orofacial and oropharyngeal muscles helps facilitate proper chewing, swallowing and breathing. Myofunctional therapy also helps eliminate bad habits like thumbsucking, tongue thrusting and nail-biting.

Myofunctional therapy is a natural health solution to chronic congestion, sleep apnea, asthma, snoring, chronic ear infections, tongue thrusting, and many more. As a matter of fact, there are about 25 health benefits of myofunctional therapy!

Therapy will consist of sessions taking place weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or a combination. Each therapy session will be unique and engaging. Despite my programs being based in positivity, each of the exercises will be demanding. Your own personal dedication will be an essential trait for your success with the completion of your program. With each session you can look forward to demonstrating exercises you’ve been practicing and learning new ones. Therapy is built on building blocks..if you can’t master a certain exercise, we’ll just work harder on it until your next session. 

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